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Enterprise Web Solutions
 Hits:32 AddTime:2011-1-18 10:10:04

Now some domestic enterprises have registered their own domain name and establish a corporate Web site, did not meet the expected business results. With the deepening of network applications and network marketing, more and more enterprises realize that website is not a one-time investment to build a website as simple as, more importantly, after the completion of the work is long-term site updates, maintenance and promotion process. Therefore, the introduction of business services, provide you with efficient and professional service system to ensure the development of your site operational support.

Enterprise Services Network Marketing System is all the site maintenance services relating to the operation later. Like other media, is a media site, you need regular updating and maintenance will play a set of business results. So the site operation and maintenance of the good or bad in large part a direct impact on whether the customer will have a good impression of business, thus becoming one of the enterprise customer.

Enterprise Services is very professional and comprehensive service system, and its content coverage is very much functional improvement, the page changes, security management, website promotion ... ... by a professional team to provide you. A company may be able to use the training Frontpage, Dreamweaver and other software design web pages, but in comparison with professional designers, the effect of making the web is quite different; enterprises can with a number of professional and technical personnel for site maintenance However, the high monthly technical staff wages, has increased pressure on corporate management, improved site operating costs; while training, staff will have some problems, the training may be just a good technical staff to jump ship, and business therefore stopped. These conditions for SMEs, additional expenditures for these needs thousands of dollars or even hundreds of thousands, is untenable.

With its strength in the development and operation of site development, operation and maintenance has accumulated years of experience, maximize site development and maintenance play the advantage, to provide high quality software products and include hosting, website construction, business services, integration of services, everything is the site to help you solve the problem of difficulties in the operation and maintenance. You simply provide information to your intent and to us, we will maximize the cost savings to your investment professional to complete your site maintenance needs. You will be entrusted to us to maintain website, it means to your Web site maintenance team to hire the expert! Learn more about the advantages of enterprise services

As to provide a comprehensive service system, business services permeated with a deep understanding of the use of the site and understanding. Not only from the site to provide users with program development, interface design, space rental, domain name registration, website building a full range of services, and for our customers to provide professional web site maintenance services later, all of these services are by professional programmers, design teachers, security specialists, Web site operators and experts to complete. Years of management experience in operation and maintenance of WEB server, creating a powerful Web site operation and maintenance of technical strength. Will continue to implement the "intentions to create value," the service concept, to provide high quality integrated services:

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